ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस
  • ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस
कंपेयर अवेलेबल होने पर सूचित करें 3 वेरिएंटस अवेलेबल
मुख्य स्पेसिफिकेशन
  • डिस्प्ले 5.50 इंच (1080x1920 पिक्सल)
  • प्रोसेसर ऐप्पल ए10 फ्यूज़न
  • फ्रंट कैमरा 7मेगापिक्सल
  • रियर कैमरा 12मेगापिक्सल
  • रैम 3 जीबी
  • स्टोरेज 32 जीबी
  • बैटरी क्षमता 2900 एमएएच
  • ओएस आईओएस 10
मार्केट स्टेट्सरिलीज़्ड
रिलीज की तारीखसितंबर 2016

ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस रिव्यू

  • डिज़ाइन
  • डिस्प्ले
  • सॉफ्टवेयर
  • परफॉर्मेंस
  • बैटरी लाइफ
  • कैमरा
  • वैल्यू फॉर मनी
  • खूबियां
  • Great performance
  • Dual camera
  • Excellent battery life
  • Improved cameras
  • iOS 10, timely updates
  • कमियां
  • Low light camera performance not best in class
  • Expensive
  • Ungainly

ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस समरी

ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस मोबाइल सितंबर 2016 में लॉन्च हुआ था। यह फोन 5.50-इंच टचस्क्रीन डिस्प्ले के साथ आता है जिसका रिजॉल्यूशन 1080x1920 पिक्सल है। इसका पिक्सल डेंसिटी 401 पिक्सल प्रति इंच (पीपीआई) आस्पेक्ट रेशियो हैं। ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस फोन क्वाड-कोर ऐप्पल ए10 फ्यूज़न प्रोसेसर के साथ आता है।

ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस फोन आईओएस पर ऑपरेट होता है और इसमें 32 जीबी इनबिल्ट स्टोरेज है। ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस एक सिंगल सिम (जीएसएम) मोबाइल है जिसमे एक नैनो सिम कार्ड लगता है। ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस का डायमेंशन 158.20 x 77.90 x 7.30mm (height x width x thickness) और वजन 188.00 ग्राम है। फोन को ब्लैक, जेट ब्लैक, गोल्ड, सिल्वर, और रोज़ गोल्ड कलर ऑप्शन के साथ लॉन्च किया गया है।

कनेक्टिविटी के लिए ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस में वाई-फाई 802.11 ए/बी/जी/एन/एसी, जीपीएस, 3जी और 4जी (भारत में कुछ एलटीई नेटवर्क द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने वाले बैंड 40 के सपोर्ट के साथ) है। फोन में सेंसर की बात की जाएं तो एंबियंट लाइट सेंसर, एक्सेलेरोमीटर, जायरोस्कोप, प्रॉक्सिमिटी सेंसर, बैरोमीटर और कंपास/ मैगनेटोमीटर है।

7 फरवरी 2025 को ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस की शुरुआती कीमत भारत में 35,999 रुपये है।

ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस की भारत में कीमत

प्रॉडक्ट का नाम भारत में कीमत
Apple iPhone 7 Plus (32GB) - Black 35,999
Apple iPhone 7 Plus (32GB) - Gold 37,900

ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस की भारत में शुरुआती कीमत ₹ 35,999 है. ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस की सबसे कम कीमत ₹ 35,999 अमेजन पर 7th February 2025 को है. यह फोन 2 अन्य वेरिएंट में उपलब्ध है, 128जीबी, 256जीबी को Black, गोल्ड, Jet Black, Rose Gold, सिल्वर, Matte Black, Red, और स्पेस ग्रे कलर के साथ खरीदा जा सकता है

कीमत बहुत अधिक है? हमारे प्राइस ड्रॉप अलर्ट को सब्सक्राइब करें अवेलेबल होने पर सूचित करें

ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस फुल स्पेसिफिकेशंस

ब्रांड ऐप्पल
मॉडल आईफोन 7 प्लस
रिलीज की तारीख सितंबर 2016
फॉर्म फैक्टर टचस्क्रीन
डाइमेंशन 158.20 x 77.90 x 7.30
वज़न 188.00
बैटरी क्षमता (एमएएच) 2900
रीमूवेबल बैटरी नहीं
कलर ब्लैक, जेट ब्लैक, गोल्ड, सिल्वर, रोज़ गोल्ड
स्क्रीन साइज़ (इंच) 5.50
टचस्क्रीन हां
रिज़ॉल्यूशन 1080x1920 पिक्सल
पिक्सल प्रति इंच (पीपीआई) 401
प्रोसेसर क्वाड-कोर
प्रोसेसर मॉडल ऐप्पल ए10 फ्यूज़न
रैम 3 जीबी
इंटरनल स्टोरेज 32 जीबी
एक्सपेंडेबल स्टोरेज नहीं
रियर कैमरा 12-मेगापिक्सल
रियर फ्लैश दोहरी एलईडी
फ्रंट कैमरा 7-मेगापिक्सल
ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम आईओएस
वाई-फाई हां
वाई-फाई स्टैंडर्ड सपोर्ट 802.11 ए/बी/जी/एन/एसी
जीपीएस हां
ब्लूटूथ हां
एनएफसी नहीं
इंफ्रारेड डायरेक्ट नहीं
यूएसबी ओटीजी नहीं
एफएम नहीं
सिम की संख्या 1
Wi-Fi Direct नहीं
Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL) नहीं
सिम टाइप नैनो सिम
जीएसएम/ सीडीएमए जीएसएम
3जी हां
4जी/ एलटीई हां
भारत में 4जी सपोर्ट (बैंड 40) हां
कंपास/ मैगनेटोमीटर हां
प्रॉक्सिमिटी सेंसर हां
एक्सेलेरोमीटर हां
एंबियंट लाइट सेंसर हां
जायरोस्कोप हां
बैरोमीटर हां
टेंप्रेचर सेंसर नहीं
Colours Black, Gold, Jet Black, Rose Gold, Silver
! एरर या अनुपलब्ध जानकारी? कृपया हमें बताएं

ऐप्पल आईफोन 7 प्लस यूजर रिव्यू एंड रेटिंग्स

4.3 3,636 रेटिंग्स &
3,633 रिव्यूज
  • 5 ★
  • 4 ★
  • 3 ★
  • 2 ★
  • 1 ★
अपना रिव्यू लिखो
देखिये 1-10, 3,633 रिव्यूज में से
सॉर्ट बाई:
  • Apple at its best ! !
    Diksha Kaul (Oct 25, 2016) on Gadgets 360 Recommends
    Great product,mesmerizing design,worth the cost.
    Is this review helpful?
    (10) (4) Reply
  • nice phone
    Pankaj Thakur (Aug 22, 2018) on Gadgets 360 Recommends
    nice phone lekin 4G me kab thak aayega
    Is this review helpful?
    (18) (19) Reply
  • nice phone
    Parwan Bisht (May 9, 2019) on Gadgets 360 Recommends
    nice phone
    Is this review helpful?
    (1) (2) Reply
  • For the love of steve Jobs
    Akinwande Ajayi (Sep 8, 2016) on Gadgets 360 Recommends
    Why the hell is the headphone jack missing?.now i got to deal with dem nuckle heads tryna piss me off,myself and not my headphines no more. Anyways, they cool phones and i cant wait to just see ppl buy.
    Is this review helpful?
    (10) (12) Reply
  • Three Week Review - A worthy upgrade for iPhone 6 Plus and older phones, not 6S Plus
    Sachin (Oct 27, 2016) on Amazon
    Alright, I got my case and screen guard delivered well in time, and it's been three weeks with the phone. So here is my detailed review.This is for the iPhone 7 Plus 256GB Matte Black.My "personal" preference was for the matte black finish over the jet black one, for metallic feel and smudge and scratch resistance.From the front, both the blacks are exactly the same.Although to be honest, my iPhone 6 Plus in gold still looks much better than this one.But, hey, since we have two new colors for the 7 and 7 Plus, why not go for those for a change! These may not be available even next year with newer iPhones.Anyways, color is your personal choice.The 7 Plus has no great reason for an iPhone 6S Plus user to upgrade.So, for those already having a 6S Plus, who are still contemplating, please skip the review and enjoy your 6S Plus till next year's anniversary edition. (Get some good wide angle and telescopic mobile lenses to complement your already great camera).For everyone else, yes, the 7 Plus strikes all the right notes to be worthy of your stash, even before the 2017 iPhone.Thumbs up 'IP67 rating' Being from a city where rains are so unpredictable, I have had those moments where I really had to rely on my phone's ability to withstand water when it's needed the most. Also, I have an OCD to keep my gadgets clean. I have dust plugs on my 6 Plus for the headphone and lightning ports to keep dust and debris away. With the iPhone 7 Plus, there is so much less to worry about.Thumbs Down 'No 3.5m headphone jack' Tim should have shown "Courage" to include liquid damage in warranty, as against showing "Courage" in removing the headphone jack.The main reason for the removal is the new haptic chip, which is taking much space at the bottom of the device for providing haptic feedback to the home button (which is not a physical clickable button now). Although I do have Bluetooth headphones, they do not provide the same audio quality, and I find them mostly discharged, whenever I have a couple of minutes to listen to music in peace.I did not find any difference in audio quality with standard or lightning earpods.Thumbs up 'Stereo Speakers' A decade ago, I was so excited to have bought the Nokia N73, which had stereo speakers and those flashy 3D effect ringtones (Ah, good ol' days). The speakers were simply awesome, even in comparison to today's phones. iPhones, till now, only had mono speakers. The 7 series bring stereo experience which was way long pending. And mind you, this did not come with the removal of the headphone jack, as the other speaker is embedded in the earpiece on top. All in all, the speakers sound great, and there is no looking back now.Thumbs up 'The Cameras? One of the best cameras on a phone till date. Turn on in an instant, great wide color capture, reproduction and clarity. The 2X optical zoom is again a very welcome feature. The camera still lags behind in low light reproduction in comparison with the latest Samsung flagships, but, in all other circumstances, the iPhone beats the competition hands down (Not that the low light performance is bad, it's just not at par with the S7 or Note 7). The flash is now quad flash, and it's twice as bright as the 6S (also brighter than the Samsung flagships).The much anticipated Portrait mode with the bokeh effect just launched yesterday (26 Oct 2016), and is still in beta (Seems much like alpha, as the photos come out horrendous!). I'll wait for a usable release, for now it's a shameless gimmick (Ya, thumbs down for just this one; we expected so much more with the dual camera setup ' 3D photography and what not).(Oct 2017 update: Finally portrait mode is usable only after iOS11 update in Oct 2017. All it needed was enabling flash in portrait mode, which is now available).The already great secondary FaceTime camera is upgraded to 7 MP, which is a huge upgrade from older iPhones. Not just megapixels, the sensor is much better in all aspects from dynamic range to wide color capture. It also gets Retina Flash (Simply the screen flashes when you take snaps, like some 3rd party apps :-| ).Tip: Try taking a snap of your computer screen with the 7 Plus and older iPhones, you sure will be amazed! (See pics attached)Thumbs up 'Always on Siri' Call out 'Hey Siri' even when your phone is not charging, no matter where your phone is in the room (Since iPhones from 2015). With the integration of Siri in third party apps, yes, Siri finally becomes useful than just setting up a reminder or 'trying' to call your friend having a desi name in a fake accent.Thumbs up 'Under the hood upgrades? The 7 series is a leap forward in terms of performance, multitasking capabilities and battery optimization. And double the storage this time, which was long pending, and a dire necessity with all the live photos and slo'mo's we're going to take.The RAM upgrade is also a necessity now, with some apps such as NDTV and PayTM crashing because of low RAM on older iPhones. Surely, the fingers point towards the implementation of the apps, but, the device needs to leave some leg room, too).Some more notes - The box this time contains an Indian pin charger, and not those weak and wobbly European thin pin plugs (I hate those thin pin chargers - do not fit in properly anywhere, not even in spike guards)The earpods come cheaply wrapped in paper, without the plastic case it used to come in till now; seems all the plastic is now being used for the $150 Airpods!In either argument, the Phone of the Year award 2016 unanimously goes to the Apple iPhone 7 Plus - There is no better phone around alive as on this date.Another small observation - For some reason, even though the 7 Plus promises to be 50% brighter than previous iPhones, my screen looks darker/duller than my 6 Plus. I need to confirm if it's just me, my full body glass screen guard, or some software issue, or something else.Not adding standard product photos as there are plenty online. Posting something different that might be useful to some, if not all.Adding just one comparison pic between black 7 Plus and gold 6 Plus, but, photos of phones really do not do justice to them; you need to see and hold them in person to know if they meet your needs, wants and expectations.All the best and hope this helps!-Sachin
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