माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go
  • माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go
कंपेयर अवेलेबल होने पर सूचित करें
मुख्य स्पेसिफिकेशन
  • डिस्प्ले
    डिस्प्ले 10.00 इंच (1800x1200 पिक्सल)
  • प्रोसेसर
    प्रोसेसर Intel Pentium Gold 4415Y
  • फ्रंट कैमरा
    फ्रंट कैमरा 5मेगापिक्सल
  • रैम
    रैम 8 जीबी
  • ओएस
    ओएस विंडोज 10 S
  • स्टोरेज
    स्टोरेज 128 जीबी
  • रियर कैमरा
    रियर कैमरा 8मेगापिक्सल
मार्केट स्टेट्सरिलीज़्ड
रिलीज की तारीखजुलाई 2018

माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go रिव्यू

  • डिज़ाइन
  • डिस्प्ले
  • सॉफ्टवेयर
  • परफॉर्मेंस
  • बैटरी लाइफ
  • कैमरा
  • वैल्यू फॉर मनी
  • खूबियां
  • Well-designed and extremely portable
  • Flexibility of Windows
  • Excellent display
  • कमियां
  • Underwhelming battery life
  • Not great as a pure tablet

माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go समरी

माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go tablet जुलाई 2018 में लॉन्च हुआ था। यह tablet 10.00-इंच टचस्क्रीन डिस्प्ले के साथ आता है जिसका रिजॉल्यूशन 1800x1200 पिक्सल है। आस्पेक्ट रेशियो हैं। माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go tablet 1.6 गीगाहर्ट्ज़ डुअल-कोर Intel Pentium Gold 4415Y प्रोसेसर के साथ आता है।

माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go tablet विंडोज 10 पर ऑपरेट होता है और इसमें 128 जीबी इनबिल्ट स्टोरेज है। माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go का डायमेंशन 245.00 x 175.00 x 8.30mm (height x width x thickness) और वजन 522.00 ग्राम है।

कनेक्टिविटी के लिए माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go में वाई-फाई 802.11 ए/बी/जी/एन/एसी और हेडफोन है। tablet में सेंसर की बात की जाएं तो एंबियंट लाइट सेंसर, एक्सेलेरोमीटर, जायरोस्कोप और कंपास/ मैगनेटोमीटर है।

4 मार्च 2025 को माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go की शुरुआती कीमत भारत में 37,990 रुपये है।

माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go की भारत में कीमत

प्रॉडक्ट का नाम भारत में कीमत
Microsoft Surface Go Tablet (64GB, 10 Inches, Wi-Fi, Gold) 37,990
Microsoft Surface Go Tablet (64GB, 10 Inches, Wi-Fi, Gold) 38,599

माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go की भारत में शुरुआती कीमत ₹ 37,990 है. माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go की सबसे कम कीमत ₹ 37,990 अमेजन पर 4th March 2025 को है.

कीमत बहुत अधिक है? हमारे प्राइस ड्रॉप अलर्ट को सब्सक्राइब करें अवेलेबल होने पर सूचित करें

माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go फुल स्पेसिफिकेशंस

ब्रांड माइक्रोसॉफ्ट
मॉडल Surface Go
रिलीज की तारीख जुलाई 2018
फॉर्म फैक्टर टचस्क्रीन
डाइमेंशन 245.00 x 175.00 x 8.30
वज़न 522.00
रीमूवेबल बैटरी नहीं
स्क्रीन साइज़ (इंच) 10.00
टचस्क्रीन हां
रिज़ॉल्यूशन 1800x1200 पिक्सल
प्रोसेसर 1.6 गीगाहर्ट्ज़ डुअल-कोर
प्रोसेसर मॉडल Intel Pentium Gold 4415Y
रैम 8 जीबी
इंटरनल स्टोरेज 128 जीबी
एक्सपेंडेबल स्टोरेज हां
एक्सपेंडेबल स्टोरेज टाइप माइक्रोएसडी
रियर कैमरा 8-मेगापिक्सल
रियर फ्लैश नहीं
फ्रंट कैमरा 5-मेगापिक्सल
फ्रंट फ्लैश नहीं
ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम विंडोज 10
वाई-फाई हां
वाई-फाई स्टैंडर्ड सपोर्ट 802.11 ए/बी/जी/एन/एसी
ब्लूटूथ हां
Bluetooth version 4.10
एनएफसी नहीं
इंफ्रारेड डायरेक्ट नहीं
हेडफोन हां
एफएम नहीं
कंपास/ मैगनेटोमीटर हां
एक्सेलेरोमीटर हां
एंबियंट लाइट सेंसर हां
जायरोस्कोप हां
! एरर या अनुपलब्ध जानकारी? कृपया हमें बताएं

माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go कंपैरिजन

  • माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go ₹37,990

माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Surface Go यूजर रिव्यू एंड रेटिंग्स

4.0 626 रेटिंग्स &
626 रिव्यूज
  • 5 ★
  • 4 ★
  • 3 ★
  • 2 ★
  • 1 ★
अपना रिव्यू लिखो
देखिये 1-10, 626 रिव्यूज में से
सॉर्ट बाई:
  • A genuinely nice device to have :)
    T. Azores (Aug 15, 2018) on Amazon
    EDIT, 8/18/18 - So it's been almost a week since I've had my Surface Go. I still love it, but I'm beginning to see the limitations of this device. The limitations are due to Windows 10, not the hardware itself. And I feel that these limitations are very slight--slight enough for me to keep the rating at 5 stars. I feel that these tiny issues are ones that can be adjusted or fixed with software updates, and that's fine with me. The device is still great as-is, but Windows 10 needs little tweaks to make the device better--that's all I'm saying.Personally, I think the issue here is that Windows 10 isn't built for mobile devices. It's still for devices that are meant to sit on a desk or table and aren't nearly as portable--like PCs. The Surface Go is great because it's so portable, but it can be better. For that to happen, Microsoft needs to tailor Windows 10 to make mobile devices like the Surface Go function like a mobile device should. For instance, as it stands right now, I can't listen to music or podcasts with the screen off. I can do that with my iPhone or iPad. But I have to babysit the Surface Go, just like I have to babysit my PC at home. I have to be sitting around, making sure the Surface Go remains awake. Sure, I could mess with power management settings, but why should I have to do that? The competition doesn't require me to do that. Microsoft needs to match that.Many mobile devices have widgets or other controls that can be accessed without unlocking the device. I feel that Microsoft has to match this, too, with Windows 10. It also needs widgets that can be accessed without having to unlock the device. Just very basic controls--turn wifi on or off (for real, not this garbage with Apple disconnecting from wifi for a day), and basic audio controls.Finally: Windows apps should be optimized so that a user can get away with using programs without a stylus or keyboard of some kind. Along with the Surface Go, I have an Ockel Sirius A that I got through an Indiegogo campaign earlier this year--that device has a screen that's about the same size as your average phablet, and it runs on Windows 10. A stylus, mouse or trackpad is definitely needed if you want to get work done on it, even if you plug a lager monitor into the Sirius A. I understand that--Windows 10 just isn't built for a screen that small. But I don't think there's any excuse for a device like the Surface Go that has a screen that's, what...about 10.5"? Like an iPad? And on an iPad, users are expected to be able to use apps on that tablet without needing a stylus or trackpad of some kind. But I can't say the same for the Surface Go. Some of those icons--like taskbar icons, or some of the buttons or drop-down menus I've seen in iTunes, as two examples--are still too small to select them with just a finger. You'd still need a stylus/mouse/trackpad to use the Surface Go as-is. And, sure...of course you can mess around with the display settings on the Surface Go to fix this. But again--why should I have to do that when the competition doesn't require me to do that, and the apps on the competition's devices work just fine without extra hardware of some kind?Overall: Microsoft is getting there when it comes to mobile devices, but it also still has a ways to go to keep up with the competition.ORIGINAL REVIEW:I just got my Surface Go yesterday, and I have to say?it?s a genuinely nice device to have. I like it a lot.I plan on using the Surface Go as a ?workhorse? device. I do a lot of writing and I work with spreadsheets, so that?s mostly what I?ll be doing on the Surface Go. I also have iTunes on it?I?m in the middle of downloading some albums to it right now?and I?m downloading some Netflix shows to watch later. The Surface Go can handle all of this very well?and I plan on keeping it in S mode, just to see how far I can go with this device being this way.Word and Excel docs, along with iTunes and Netflix, is pretty much all that I need a device like the Surface Go to handle. I?ve seen at least one tech reviewer (iJustine?) play Fortnite on her Surface Go review unit, so it?s not impossible to do it. It?s just?playing games is not a priority of mine for a device like this one. I want this device to be the one that I?ll do some actual work on. If I want to do fun stuff, I?ll use my smartphone.Overall: I think the Surface Go is a nice device to have if you want a backup computer?something to do the bare minimum of what you expect your average computer to do. Also, just remember who this device is supposed to be for: students and enterprise. If you?re in a school or business environment, then this?ll be a great device to have.
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  • Amazing portable device.
    Utkarsh (Aug 6, 2020) on Amazon
    Amazing product. In love with it.
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  • Awesome Windows Tablet - iPad Killer
    Ryan Frazier (Aug 7, 2018) on Amazon
    I received my product yesterday and was able to review the contents upon opening. I have owned the larger Surface Tablets before, and this one is just as fast as the ones I have owned, yet more sleek and portable. Don't let the size fool you, nor reviews, the performance is outstanding for the size and what it has to offer.The Surface Go has a very nice box display, and even better opening the package. The package has an iPad feel to it when opening, making you oddly feel better about the product and its representation. I added the type cover to the surface with an easy click and bend up. It worked seamlessly right away.To start, the Surface Go was booted up, went through all the set up very easily, and now is incorporated at my desk attached to a USB C 5 in 1, and hooked up to my HDMI 32" Screen.Positives:Fast for the most partSizePortabilityQuick InterfaceWindows transition to Windows 10 HomeWindows 10 S for securityTouch screenWindows at the size of an iPadNegatives:Can be somewhat slow when opening multiple programsNot a slew of apps like the Apple Store hasNot to be used as a workhorseOverall this product will be very useful to me now, and in the future.I highly recommend this product based on what it has to offer, especially if you love the feel of an iPad. This will get more done than an iPad. Very useful for school, for mobile work, for at home computers, and portability uses.I will check back in a few months for an update after consistent use.
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  • Love it.
    Hayward M. (Aug 28, 2018) on Amazon
    Very pleased. Works great for my uses. Light weight, bright vivid screen and peppy enough for me.
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  • Strictly a secondary computer...love it!
    Bexter (Aug 11, 2018) on Amazon
    Great portable computer. I have the Surface Pro 3 so I am familiar with the Surface family. I decided to see how long I can use the Surface Go with windows 10 S OS, which means that you can only install apps from the MS Windows Store...so far, so good. If I have a need to upgrade to Windows 10 Home, the switch is very easy via the Windows Store...just remember, you may have to update the Windows Store app then the upgrade to Windows 10 Home, for free, is available.I use this as a secondary computer to surf web, watch Netflix, work on MS Office documents...works exactly as advertised.
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